LITEN 107 Chaucer: The Canterbury Tales

Professor Lisa Lampert-Weissig;



Middle English Reading Session

            When is my session?

            How can I listen to Middle English aloud?

                        Through UCSD Library:

Paper Topics

Final Exam Review Guide


Links to specific readings including Study Guides and Thinksheet questions:

The Knight's Tale

The Miller’s Tale

The Man of Law's Introduction, Prologue, Tale and Epilogue

The Wife of Bath's Prologue and Tale

The Friar's Prologue and Tale

The Summoner's Tale Prologue and Tale

The Clerk's Prologue and Tale

The Franklin's Tale

The Merchant's Prologue, Tale and Epilogue

The Pardoner's Introduction, Prologue and Tale

The Shipman's Tale.

The Prioress's Prologue and Tale

The Second Nun's Prologue and Tale 

The Nun's Priest's Prologue, Tale, and Epilogue

The Parson's Prologue and Tale 

The Topas-Melibee


Some Good Chaucer Links:

            Harvard Chaucer site

            Chaucer blog

            My favorite Medieval Studies Blog: In the Middle